Magic in the Mountains


Are you ready to shift life into high gear?

Allow facilitators Angel Rohrer and Donna Hartt the honor of guiding you through a delicious day of self-awareness, healing and connection to the Universe.

Followed by a 90 min group medium reading by Donna Hartt!

This Sounds Amazing! I am ready. Sign me up!

Connection With Your Ancestors

Let Donna Hartt guide you into connection with your loved ones on the Other Side as she pierces the veil with her Mediumship abilities.

Not all in attendance will be read, but everyone will learn and grow as she conveys messages from beyond

Powerful  Shamanic Meditation

Angel Rohrer will guide you deep within your Self to connect with the source energy that flows through you and all creation to recover soul fragments and bring yourself back into alignment and re-member who you are and why you are here

The energy these days has been quite "dramatic".

We are truly working the dichotomy of "this is AMAZING" and "this sucks" at the same time.

THIS is the magic of the times we are living.

The darkness of humanity has no place to hide anymore and it is making folks uncomfortable. This is the only place where true change happens.

The Lightworkers are working their way to, and through, the new teachings and platforms to get ready for the grandest shift in humankind.

Allow these times to change you at a core level. Ground, rest, write and reclaim WHO....YOU....ARE!!!

We don't grow in happy, we grow in the hard stuff. Shift happens and it is happening at an exponential rate now.

Best get used to it, for it is here for a few more years. THIS is the rise to 5D.

We are in this TOGETHER!

JOIN US once again as these 2 masters share their gifts with this beloved community.

The next level of teachings are here...are you ready for your upgrade?


Psychic - Someone with the ability to read other people's energy. Someone who can shed light on shadow work. Someone who can read soul charts and help you connect with who you were born to be.

As a Psychic, it is my job to bring anything to your attention that Spirit shows me.

As a Medium, someone who connects with souls on the Other Side, I use my abilities to convey what your loved ones on the Other Side would have you know.

What I have is an ability. What I hope to leave you with is the gift.
We are real. We do exist. We are here to bring in the New World by helping you step into your Divinity.


Angel Rohrer - Modern Shaman

My mission is to assist in restoring the divine feminine and masculine balance through love, service and wisdom.
Allow me the honor to create a magical container for you, so you can navigate, practice and hone your own authentic gifts in a safe space.
I bring light and fierce love to the table as we unravel old agreements and find your own unique ray of light so you can step into the most authentic aspect of your being.

Shaman, lightworker, psychic, healer, medium...we are all accessing the same universal consciousness through our channels with our own unique rays of light.

It is my honor and pleasure to share my channel with you.


Magic In The Mountains
Connect With Your Self And You Ancestors

Only $195

Saturday December 9th, 2023 10AM-4PM
Heritage Inn
803 Cranbrook St N, Cranbrook, BC

  • 90 Minute Group Medium Reading To Connect With Loved Ones On The Other Side
  • Guided Shamanic Meditation Journey To Connect With Your Higher Self
  • Soul Healing Through Connection With The Divine Love Of Creation
  • Heart Opening And Expansive Space To Elevate Your Vibration
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