welcome to Bytes of Light with Angel and Seth Rohrer we provide bite-sized nuggets of wisdom to feed your soul expand your awareness and free your mind to help you create more beautiful today and a brighter tomorrow join us in our magical kitchen as we serve up another high Vibe snack for your
soul welcome to Bytes of Light season two oh my goodness Seth and I have some stuff to share yeah and it's been minute since I've been on one of the podcast episodes uhuh he does exist still yeah and I probably look different than the last time I can't even remember where my hair was at I know on my hair Journey right which is now just more of a hair now it's just hair the experiment's over and you just kind of decided you like it yeah for now I liked being bald when I was bald too yeah there you go but but speaking of that it's the new year right and that's part of the like yeah it's no longer an experiment anymore it's just the hair I have now it just is and and that's just part of this new year what better time to start reassessing your journey whether it be your hair Journey or your business Journey or your personal Journey what better time to start to look at it a new with fresh eyes what's bringing value still what's not you know all of it finances personal relationships love life The Works your job you know nothing's off limits right we spent a good portion of this day doing that ourselves you know we looked at our finances and we looked at what's what still brings us value and joy that we're spending money on what can we let go of what do we want to add there is this there is this space where when you get an idea and you you feel like you've been gifted a mission and then you start on that path you know we've been doing it two and and a half years and if you don't take those times to stop and reassess along the ways sometimes you get veered off like how many times have you ever you know put something into the GPS and just let it take you somewhere without checking in every once in a while I've added hours and hours on the trips by doing that oh yeah yeah I found myself up in the boonies on dirt roads with a camper right just because there was a a setting off right like you accidentally said don't avoid main roads you know so what if this this download came in and one of the filters in your brain was like oh that's uncomfortable avoid main roads and so you started going like avoid that thing you know whatever it is maybe it's being seen in public maybe it's just being heard but you're like oh I'm gonna avoid that so this is this is what it feels like to me as my journey this is my path I mean I'd say in the last two years we've the the end goal hasn't changed we still want to be here to serve with love and bring value and wisdom to the planet the best we can but the way that we are going about it has taken shifts and turns and we thought it was going to be you know this idea over here and then we get another download a new idea comes in more intuition that says oh Focus maybe focus on this over here that just came up this new opportunity that was just presented to you and it doesn't mean that the way you were doing it or the agreement you had before was wrong or bad or you messed up you evolve over time exactly and it was taking you down the road to be able to receive the next step and sometimes it's just next steps further on and sometimes it's great you made it to this intersection now it's time to take a right but you got to get there first so don't let the fear don't let a fear creep in that you might be doing it wrong just keep keep doing it knowing that you have you start from this place of who do I want to be what do I want to create in general and then even reassess that and the planet evolves we're watching you know destruction happen all over and that happens within our bodies too we house cycles and there is te down moments the tower moments that they call it in the tarot you know and so we go through these cycles and you literally have to sift through everything and decide what am I keeping what am I throwing away you don't just do that in your physical house fanging you also fway here and you Fang way here and that's how you make room for more magic if you are full to your the tip of your brain you don't have room for the universe to talk to you you don't have room for those downloads to come if you are living in survival mode and if you're not open right it doesn't mean you can't have plans and ideas but always being open you don't necessarily have to drain the cup turn your cup into a bowl or a or a thermos or a car like make it bigger to be able to receive more and then just be open that's that's how you make it bigger strengthening your spiritual muscles right this is what I think I'm doing this is what I think I'm supposed to do but I'm open to whatever else is there to come in and you can't manifest from an empty cup like you you when you are so depleted that you have no energy left how can you manifest if you don't have gas how can you drive your car if you don't have gas right well there's there's the dichotomy between two different analogies right you know one is if you have all the answers you can't receive anything so you need to empty yourself but that doesn't mean empty yourself of energy right you must build your energy to where your cup floweth over and the Overflow is what you give to everyone else it's a more powerful give because you don't need it it's excess in essence so that there's that this Paradox that it sounds like when you talk about the analogies you need to self-care you need to build your energy till it flows over empty your knowledge cup expand your knowledge cup okay I know some stuff right I've lived for 40 four and a half years now you can't live without learning and knowing but also be skeptical of what you know and then defrag your computer system your brain you don't need to retain knowledge that is no longer useful for you or stories that you're actively using to hurt yourself with right those things we can let go of right you know the brain is a supercomputer matter of fact the people that study it really say it's probably the most impressive supercomputer that exists on the planet with what it actually does I mean it's doing millions of activities every minute the brain is determining how all the cells are doing what they do in your body all those like we don't think about all the millions of things that are happening in our body all the time so it's this amazing supercomputer and the more we load it with crap that's not useful the slower things operate the less room there is for more other programs that would be more useful just to carry that analogy a little further and those ruts that your that your brain is always used to going down those old habits you have and the old limiting belief patterns we need to build new neural Linguistic Pathways so that we can increase our energy and can increase the space that we are using inside our brains because we know science has shown us we're not even accessing and using all of the brain that we have in our head yeah so looking at it you know start with the basics and what parts of my life am I happy with what things are going the way I want them to be going what gets to stay yeah because this isn't to throw it all out just because things aren't exactly perfect as you would Envision this ideal life doesn't mean you throw it all out and and start over it it's science it's a game you don't throw it throw it all out you you tweak little things and then look for the data right from an analytical standpoint it's science we we don't and to make a a an experiment work properly you have to control certain things and and then tweak variables here and there little ones and then wait and see what the data shows if you tweak all the variables you change everything then you have no idea what was working and what isn't working so little changes sometimes they're big changes but it's not necessarily everything's got to go it's assessing everything does this still bring value does this belief still serve me and if the answer is yes great and sometimes the answer is I don't think so but I don't know if I'm ready to let it go yet that's okay too you know the the most important thing as you're doing this is no judgment don't judge your don't judge each other because this is something if you have a partner if you're in a long-term relationship or short-term relationship or any relationship you're going to the the conversation is within you on some level and between you on some level so be open to that is this still serving us is it still serving me no judgment if I if that's the answer is I don't know it's okay put it in the put it in the I don't know category and if it is in the I don't know category I always like to add show me this or better this can stay for now but I need this or better so tell universe that's what you need show me this or better I see this this is okay but it's not an ecstatic yes it's not a hell yet I'm in this you're close show me better and then get more specifically detailed on what it is you want that is the magic of manifestation this or better but it but that manifestation comes back to your own personal power right and and just to clarify again that right power is not the the world's definition of power not control and power over but that power within how are you managing yourself we've talked about in previous episodes that that bucket and that bucket with the holes in it where we're where we're letting other people's actions affect our mood where we're letting something that's going on outside of us change what's going on inside of us and we're giving our power away where we still Pine over things that are lost we're giving power away to those things so in doing the work to pull that power back let go of the things that are in the past let the past be the past not letting the future take all of your energy dream dream into the future dream into possibility but don't put so much importance in it don't attach to it don't attach to it that's when the stress comes in that's when the worry comes in and those things are energy depleting because you're giving that power to something that's not building you up it's pulling you down so Build That Power the more the Power the greater the manifestation ability right I've heard people talk about well I I put my intent into this and I want to do this thing and I and I said positive affirmations and it didn't happen so manifestation is crap well but I see that same person giving their power away to everything outside of themselves right including the manifestation the affirmation didn't work right the the blaming starts happening well I did what you said but this didn't work and that didn't work and that but if you're always stalking the obstacles and not stalking Joy that's always going to be where you are when I first started doing this work and I learned how to stock those places in my in my world where there was obstacles and Trauma to release and all of that as you're cleaning out because they say you got to clear out your vessel you got to clear out your vessel clear out all of the stuff well I started calling myself a stock-a-holic because I was always searching for what else bad needed to be cleared out well once you clear out to a certain degree and everybody's measurement is different so you have to figure that out for yourself once you've done enough clearing where you're not triggered all the time whatever that looks like for you then you have to stock Joy you have to look for those glimmers you have to look for the light you have to look for places that make your heart swell so that you can start filling those areas that you've depleted with more positive energy and I'd say to to use that analogy in the light and the dark aspect if there's no light coming in because you know into your house because all the windows are closed well you got to figure out how to open some windows right you got to figure out how to get some light in if you can't feel the light then how do you stock it and to get there that's where when you're at that point and this is where I would say the Tipping Point is is when you can't feel that Joy you don't feel that light then you got to stock in the darkness you got to figure out what is blocking the light start moving those things away and maybe it's just that you got to open a window like man I've been keeping that window closed forever like why and you may have the window closed and the mattress shoved up against it and the dresser up against that and all of these things because the trauma layers are so deep and you got to work through that so it is a different path for each person but once you can get that once you feel that light now you go oh I want more of that and less of the dark and as you stock the light it shines brighter and it like the analogy says you don't shovel Darkness out of a room you turn the light on and it disappears right so you only do that shadow work I wouldn't say only you focus primarily on the shadow work until you figure out how to turn on the lights and sometimes you need help with it AB sometimes you need to go to a mentor or a teacher and have them Shine the Light for you so you can go oh I get it right oh that's what it looks like that's what it feels like if you've never tasted sweetness how do you even know that sweetness is what you have in your mouth exactly exactly yeah absolutely and guides and and teachers are crucial in helping you to feel that right if you if you're just standing in the middle of a dark room where do I even start a guide can at least be a voice in the darkness hey try over here yeah come this way try over here here's something I I can see in your Darkness because I'm not blinded by your Darkness right that's why teachers and guides and outside perspectives work I'm not Blinded By The Darkness that blinds you and you're not Blinded By The Darkness that blinds me that's why as even as we go up in these you know more light less Darkness we raise our vibration we still be open to the teachers around us and sometimes it's it's simple as somebody just saying hey I I noticed that you look grumpy a lot or something like that's a oh man I how am I not seeing that how am I not seeing that I'm allowing that vibration to be my Norm now I can stock that you know and that it just it all comes back to New Year what better time to start reevaluating we have this tendency to get lost in the in the hustle and bustle of life it's winter for those of us in the northern hemisphere weather is often times something that stuffs us inside and we can't do as much as we usually do so things slow down and that is the natural flow of the Seasons Winter is slower hibernation season well while you're hibernating why not do cleaning your house and not just your physical house yeah your temple your temple yeah the the physical like and that's and that's where we're starting is let's look at our agreements what things that are and are and the things that we're doing what's working what's not what's creating the path the the the vision of our of our most Ideal World that heaven that we can create for ourselves on Earth and what's not and one of the first ways to start doing that is to get out of the Works Space because we've been saying the whole time you stock this and you work hard and and be aware of this this but there's an element of play MH you know this Christmas and many Christmases now we bring in cards and games and sewing and crafts and you know really get into that inner child play space and sometimes that's enough to shake you out of your programming to go hey there's other things in the world besides my 9 to-5 my routine of this my routine of this when you're too regimented you get Limited in your thinking so what are you doing to shake yourself out of these routines that you've built there are some routines that are good right but if you're looking to evolve your mind and your awareness you need to challenge that and I I would go back to what I said the place to start I think the real place to start is am I even going in the direction I want to be going in still yeah I'm I'm planning to have my daughter on again she was on last year she's recently made some big choices to completely change the direction she's going in oh yeah New Year for her is completely new life Direction karate chop and start over hit the reset button I'm so excited to bring her on and share her journey yeah and so the first question before you even reassess whether things are serving you is am I even going in the direction I want still do I still want to work my way up in this business do I still want to pursue this course of action or is there something else that would bring me more joy something else that would be more fulfilling I mean life is a game if it feels like a dredge pick a different game major re-evaluations major re-evaluations there are many many vibrations in Dimensions that you can play in that are going to bring you Joy so if you're not feeling joy in your life yes let's do the re-evaluation yeah and that doesn't mean that you go to that that the spiritual spiritual bypass maybe isn't the right word but this idea that people that or the toxic positivity and of the spectrum just because you're you're doing the things and you've reevaluated like you're done with this and you go well but there still hard stuff there's always going to be some sort of challenge that's why we're here that's what SP at school right so there's still learning and and one of my favorite analogies because I also raft is is rafting being on the river and sometimes being in the flow is just low and slow and and floating along and on that same river your same flow of your life it can turn into Rapids that have you almost tipping over and sometimes you do tip over you get in the wrong place place in the flow of your own River you're still going in the right direction but you just you get a little too close to the spot you're not supposed to be in and well that's not the end of the journey it's not it's just a bump you get back on top of that overturn raft you turn it right side up you climb your butt back into it and you keep going and you go that was a ride did you see that right did anybody get that and that's a choice you're at then was that exciting was that exhilarating I'll give that one a 10 or is it a man I'm such an idiot it because I screwed that up and I I flipped my raft and which one do you want it it's all right and whether you're in the low and slow and everything's smooth and gravy or you're in these tumultuous Rapids it can all be as fun as you want it to be and you're learning in all of it and it's all flow but that doesn't mean you don't reevaluate is is this is this actually my river right cuz you could go play on another River you can always pack your raft up and go to another River I've done it lots of times yeah so the reevaluation is important starting with is this is the end goal I believe and we're still that's all we're working with right is the is the road leading to the place I believe I want to be going to and not asking those questions here asking your heart oh yeah asking your bones do you feel it in your body you know there's there's a difference too between where are these messages coming from are they coming from your ego or are they coming from deep within your bones that you know it's a soulle mission yeah and that's a tricky one that can be a tricky one because it can start in your bones it can start from heart it can be straight from Source the universe can say here's the thing and then the ego can slowly creep in and go yeah see the universe gave you this thing because you're the main man you're the man and and nobody can do what you can do and you're the best and now you have the answers and don't let anybody else tell you anything ever again how many teachers have you encountered that say this is the right way yeah that's a red flag when you're reassessing reassess the people that you're allowing to lead you are they telling you that there's a right way and a wrong way and that they don't need teachers nobody can teach them right I don't need teachers I got this download from the universe well news flash you are getting downloads from the universe every time you have a gut feeling that's right every time a random idea pops into your head while you're doing something mindless you're mowing the lawn and you go oh I have this idea to do something you're getting downloads from the universe whether you acknowledge it that way or are aware of it on that level or not right so this idea that somebody says well I got this great download cool join the club it's called being a spiritual being yeah on this planet having a human experience so some people feel more grandiose than others absolutely right the idea that an idea that pops into my head of oh this is what I need to do to fix my car that I couldn't think of that's a download I may not carry the same magnitude of oh my God if I I need to serve Humanity in this way because I've figured out how to fix my car right you know that may not be a a a Humanity shifting concept but it's still a download to make your life easier right the universe is here to serve us it's there to teach and guide and help us find Joy yeah and and don't ride your ego with it that that and I guess that's what we're trying to say everybody gets downloads it's part of being human and check your ego yeah and we're all special we're all perfect and the body the mind that we're in all have flaws all of ours so we're we're all this perfect being navigating physical body that has physical aspects that we didn't necessarily Choose Or maybe we did unconsciously choose them before we became aware that we could choose different so we've developed neural Pathways because of the way we were raised now we got to consciously develop new ones yeah and we have unlearn a lot of our programming from when we were little and that's all back to this okay new year new year new level and it's not how can I be better than the other person it's how can I be better and I even hate to use the word better but how can I Elevate myself yes what's the next level for me not because of I want to be better or compare to my neighbor but I want to live the best life I can live for my own enjoyment like it is it is a about you it is about me if you're not living for you who is and what are you doing kind of liking it to the to the video games that you're you're playing by yourself and all the other parts of the video game or NPC players you got your your potions your armor your the clothes that you're wearing you're upgrading all the time to get farther into the game well what if this was that Avatar what are you doing to evolve yourself in your game of life and I'm going to take it one step further and say this absolutely is that Avatar you know even when you go to science science is like oh we understand kind of how the body works we don't understand why yeah they have no idea where the energy that that makes your heartbeat makes your muscles move makes everything function comes from they just understand that it does right they understand that energy in your body electrical currents make all these things happen but they can't make the connection because there's not a tangible way to measure that that is you that is what you are you are the energy that animates the body that you're in so if you are the energy that animates the body how are you going to animate it right then and that makes the body an avatar right it's a robot yeah it's a very Advanced robot which I find amusing because science is constantly trying to create AI you know independent thinking robots what do you think are we are independent thinking robots but that we also can develop a connection back to the one mind that we are all connected to that this body limits us from getting back into but we can power through those limitations with awareness and practice spiritual muscle re-evaluating all those like re-evaluating where we're at and where we're going and this is a level of Mastery of awareness are you checking in with yourself and with what the world is going through right now you know people have kind of coined oh it's New Year's Day now we're going to do the new new thing but we're evolving so fast now if you're only doing it once a year you're you're behind schedule right yeah we don't mean to say that this is the only time of year to do it is winter in the first year of the Year this is just a great time to remind yourself if you haven't remembered at least at least do it once a year yeah but I mean it could be done every day do it every morning I was going to say when when when we're creating really big things and I am really expanded and in my channel I have to ask myself every morning okay where are we at because when you dream big you have to have that anchor point and so you have to check in with yourself all the time constantly MH how how many times even a day do you check in with yourself these are important things that you need to think about yeah always reassessing we would love to hear what inspired you to shift what are what are you going to work on right now what can you commit to right now to taking a look at yeah and re-evaluating what Agreements are you going to let go of what beliefs are serving you what beliefs aren't serving you and if yeah if if nothing else like put one in the comments one thing that you realize you're going to shift to raise your level of enjoyment of Life yeah you know that's what I love I love to hear what people are doing to make life more joyful yeah share because you may Inspire somebody else yeah absolutely thank you so much for joining us today and we will see you next time all my love all the
love thank you for sharing your time and energy with us the best way to help us spread this message is to rate review And subscribe if this episode impacted you in any way share it with others post about it on social media or put something in the comments also check out our website for upcoming events and books at www.rohrerrevolution.com all our gratitude and love all our love see you soon